Netflix has just cancelled Sense8. There are probably countless opinion pieces out there in the Internet: this one is mine. To summarize: Sense8 was really dear to me, and I’m sad to see it go.
Eilisiltana sain valmiiksi raakavedoksen uudesta romaanikäsikirjoituksesta. Jo pari vuotta minulla on ollut ajatuksena kirjoittaa häpeilemätöntä urbaanifantasiaa, ja alkuvaikeuksien voittamisen jälkeen olen viimein päässyt hankkeessa eteenpäin.
Even though writers are all notorious liars, the following is something resembling a true account of a caving trip I took on my New Year vacation. This is the kind of stuff that inspires my caving-related fiction.
Shortly after noon Duncan, Tor and I crawl in through the top entrance hatch of OFD. Tor is tasked with navigation at first; I’ll back him up should he need it. We clamber over the boulders making up the first part of the cave, and in ten minutes we have reached the point, where a blocky climb called the Corkscrew heads down. Instead of down, we go up – up a slippery, muddy set of steps that’s almost unnoticeable if you go the way people usually go. The climb is unsecured and scary – a harbinger of what to expect today.
The cover art, blurb and three sample chapters for Not the Dark That Kills You are here!