Musing on the necessary conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to classify something as superhero fiction.
Musing on the necessary conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to classify something as superhero fiction.
In early 2013, about the same time I was developing my present delusions of literacy, I realised that as an aspiring writer of speculative fiction, I was hopelessly unaware of what was going on in my genre. Sure, I was reading lots of science fiction, but it was all within my comfort zone, and I didn’t really pay attention to interesting new stuff. I couldn’t even claim to be aware of all the interesting old stuff outside my particular tastes. Since this felt like a major oversight for someone fancying themselves a sci-fi writer, I figured that one way to fix this might be by catching up on the Hugo Award winners. Specifically, winners of the Best Novel award — I don’t really read or write short fiction, and anyway including more than one category of awards would have felt like a huge load of work. But novels? I like science fiction novels. Reading them would be fun!
In December I took a pledge to expand my science fictional horizons by reading novels from countries other than USA, UK and Finland. So, how does my science fiction reading map look now?